Connecting to God through Jesus
It’s all about Christian discipleship. The good news of life with Jesus Christ is at the center of all that we do. Our goal is to help teenagers connect to God through Jesus Christ, develop a life-long faith by growing together, and discover the ways that God is calling them to serve others in love. We believe that God calls teenagers to find belonging to God’s self through the church, and we welcome all teenagers to come and be a part of the church. Connecting to God starts when God gets our attention and we pay attention: through worship, personal devotion time, retreats and in many other ways. What are some ways you connect with God?
This is set apart time for Middle and High School students to share life together, enjoy large group activities, and explore the world around them. We believe in the value of gathering around table, and so this usually includes dinner or snacks as well. Some of our past ministry opportunities have included tie dye night, serving dinners with persons experiencing homelessness, skit night, movie night, and messy games. It’s about having time and space to come and just ‘Be.’ We generally meet on Sunday nights from 5:00-6:30pm. 2nd Sundays, we meet as part of the C’Ville Youth Collective (a group of 5 United Methodist Churches).

Growing in Faith Together
Throughout the year, youth are invited to participate in a variety of small groups, focused on going deeper in faith by learning from the bible and learning about self and each other.
- Sunday Morning, 10:00-10:45 am, starting Sept 1
- Sunday Evenings, starting Sept 15
- Before School Chick Fil A (I can drive you to AHS or Journey w/ parent permission).
- On Zoom Tuesdays, 8:30-9:30pm, starting Sept 10
- To learn more, contact Pastor Julie
FaithQuest: Confirmation Class
This is a 6-8 Session class in which students are invited to go deeper with pastoral leadership to explore the Christian journey and their personal faith. To have the best experience possible, this class requires a high commitment from students and their families. After the class, students will have the opportunity for baptism or to ‘confirm’ their Christian faith.
Serving Others in God’s love
Youth serve in a variety of ways throughout the year. Some youth serve by leading in our praise band. Some serve in communications and audio-visual support. Some serve by helping lead children’s ministry. We believe that God has a purpose and a calling for all youth and look forward to helping youth find their passion for serving God. Every student is also encouraged to consider how God calls them to serve in their community beyond the church. For example, we serve with Habitat for Humanity, The Haven, Local Food Banks, Neighborhood ministries, and more.
Mission Week
We encourage youth to serve others in God’s love all the time, but we especially enjoy this opportunity together during the summertime. Each summer, Youth are invited to sign up and commit to a week of mission and ministry. This summer we are planning to serve again with the ASP (Appalachia Service Project) June 22-28
Acolyte Ministry
The mission of the Aldersgate Acolyte Ministry is to develop disciples of Jesus Christ who will also serve as leaders in Christ’s Church. This ministry is youth-run and adult-supported. This a “Leadership Ministry” designed to help our youth through the 12th grade grow as leaders while learning to communicate and work with each other during worship and training events and to ultimately be a representative for Christ as they grow to become leaders in their church, their family, their school and their community