Every child is unique and precious to God. Aldersgate Christian Preschool partners with families to nurture children’s social, emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual abilities. We integrate the word of God into our well-rounded curriculum that includes math, science, social studies, and literacy. Our small class sizes help us focus on each child’s unique gifts and areas of growth.
It is our goal to provide a fun and safe environment that creates excitement about and a love of learning that our students carry with them after they graduate from our school and head into kindergarten.
Contact us for more information or to schedule a tour.
2024-2025 Programs
2 days/week: $200 per month
3 days/week: $255 per month
5 days/week: $380 per month

Circle Time
We have show-and-tell, read stories, and sing songs related to our theme and letter of the week. We also work on learning and understanding our Bible verse of the month. (Listening, Attention, Language, Literacy, and Spiritual Development)

Center Time
Children choose from varied activities: play-dough, books, blocks, creative art, dramatic play, puzzles, puppets, games (Self Direction, Choice, Problem Solving, Imagination, Manual Dexterity)

Arts and Crafts
We do guided-art projects related to our theme and/or letter of the week. (Following Directions, Fine Motor Skills, Creative Expression)

Chapel Time
Once per week children interact and listen to Pastor Chip Giessler or Pastor Julie Nitzsche talk about God’s Word. They pray, discuss, and sit quietly together during a short time of worship. (Listening, Attention, Following Directions, and Spiritual Development)

Music Time
Children participate in different experiences including active and quiet songs as well as instruments. (Unity, Movement, Memory, Expression)

Outdoor Play
Children develop motor and social skills while communicating with their peers. (Gross Motor, Socialization)